Dan, also known as "Micro Dan no Japan," is a prominent figure in the Destiny community. He is recognized for his distinctive personality, often characterized by his mispronunciations and comedic timing. As the self-proclaimed landlord, he brings a unique blend of humor and authenticity to his interactions with the community.
Dan is the greatest orbiter who ever lived, no one will match his greatness within your lifetime--not a fucking chance.
Dan loves kitties. Dan also loves being retired. He also enjoys having midlife crises and killing iguanas.
The Kitty Litter Incident
On July 2, 2020, Dan's Cool Kitty Palace's™️ roof collapsed [1], causing millions of dollars in damage. Footage of the incident was later examined by forensics, and it was determined that the roof collapsed due to extended usage as a sandbox. He would later deny this (unconvincingly) in front of Destiny's livestream during a conversation with Jade [2].