DGG Embed Bans
In July 2023 a policy was introduced in DGG blocking Destiny's livestream embeds with the objective of increasing Kick.com online chat engagement.
There are currently no workarounds for the embed block...
(function() { 'use strict'; const dataProperty = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(MessageEvent.prototype, 'data'); const dataGetter = dataProperty.get; dataProperty.get = function() { let data = dataGetter.call(this); if (!this.target instanceof WebSocket) { return data; } const json = JSON.parse(data); switch (json.type) { case 'dggApi:bannedEmbeds': json.data = []; data = JSON.stringify(json); break; } return data; } Object.defineProperty(MessageEvent.prototype, 'data', dataProperty); })();